Workshop - Agroforestry Systems in Agriculture - A Perspective for North Rhine-Westphalia?

On June 20th, 2024, the “Forschungsnetzwerk NRW-Agrar” invited agricultural stakeholders to Campus Klein-Altendorf to discuss the future of agroforestry in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Titled “Agroforestry Systems in Agriculture - A Perspective for North Rhine-Westphalia?”, the workshop aimed to shed light on why integrating woody perennials into farming has yet to gain traction, despite its many advantages. … Participants included farmers, representatives from the Chamber of Agriculture NRW, officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection NRW, representatives from the German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF) and the German Family Farmers Association (AbL), as well as scientists and researchers from the universities of Soest, Kleve, Münster, Göttingen and Bonn. They delivered informative presentations and engaged in lively discussions on topics ranging from agroforestry’s potential benefits for biodiversity conservation and adaptation to climate change to operational planning and expanding farm business portfolios. … Prof. Dr. Eike Luedeling introduced HortiBonn’s current agroforestry projects, ABCDR and REFOREST. He provided an overview of how the HortiBonn team uses holistic decision analysis methods to support farmers and policymakers, aiming to provide guidance on adapting agroforestry practices at the farm level or creating an enabling environment for such practices at the state level. Simon Swatek complemented this with insights from his Master’s thesis, highlighting the effects of different funding options on agroforestry profitability and outlining the medium-term goals of HortiBonn’s REFOREST team. This gathering of diverse participants was a crucial step in promoting agroforestry in NRW. We extend our gratitude to the Forschungsnetzwerk NRW-Agrar and to Campus Klein-Altendorf for organizing and hosting the event, and to all participants for their contributions. Special thanks to the Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection NRW for funding this exceptional workshop.